Octane Lister Documentation

For a better experience, please use Cinema 4D R26 or higher versions

List all your daily used of Octane components and easy to change them.

Main features

  • Quickly manage scene camera.

  • Manager all your Scatters/Orbxs/Volumes.

  • Drag to set Octane Scatter object and scatter object.

  • Manage Octane lights and shaders and easily change their ids by groups.

  • Drag or just Click, we can change main parameters quickly.

  • Add new lights and IDs with button.

  • Easy toggle the Octane muti-pass render setting state.

  • Dynamic change your light AOVs with your light ids.

  • Drag your scene objects on the groups, then exclude the objects quickly.

  • Alt and Drag your scene objects on the groups, then include the objects quickly.

  • Right Click on the group and check the includes and excludes.

Detailed information

Menu: Add

  • Add ID Group : Add a new ID group in the manager, the ID will be automatic set to the supported id.

  • Add ... : Those are as same as the Octane original button, nothing special here.

Menu: Count Hint

  • Enable to show the counter of scene objects


  • Light Group : Add a new ID group in the manager, the ID will be automatic set to the supported id. (As same as the menu)

  • Add ... : Those are as same as the Octane original button, nothing special here.

  • AOV Manager : Open the Octane AOV Manager

  • Toggle AOV State : Quickly set AOV render setting to ON/OFF.

  • Dynamic AOVs : If this settings set True, the Light Pass AOVs will changed with your changes of the lights.

Light Parameter

  • Name : Show and control the light types and names, you can double click to change the name.

  • K.E (Key of Enable): Show the enable key state of current frame.

    • Click : Add a new key on current frame.

    • Ctrl Click : Remove the key on current frame.

    • Ctrl Shift Click : Clear the enable track.

  • E(Enable) : Show and control your light enable state.

  • C(Camera) : Check to set your light to scene camera.

  • S(Solo) : Check to solo your light.

  • L(Lock) : Check to set the virtual lock parameter, if is locked, solo will not apply on this light.

  • TEX(Texture) : The texture of the light.

    • Alt Click : Set the Image of the texture slot, support drag from disk file and asset browser images.

    • Ctrl Click : Set the color of the texture slot

    • Ctrl Alt Shift Click : Clear the texture slot

  • DIS(Distribution) : The distribution of the light.

    • Alt Click : Set the Image of the distribution slot, support drag from disk file and asset browser images.

    • Ctrl Click : Set the color of the distribution slot

    • Ctrl Alt Shift Click : Clear the distribution slot

  • K.P (Key of Power): Show the power key state of the light tag.

    • Click : Add a new key on current frame.

    • Ctrl Click : Remove the key on current frame.

    • Ctrl Shift Click : Clear the enable track.

  • Power : The power of the light tag, right click to input value.

  • Temperature: The Temperature of the light tag, right click to input value.

  • Sur(Surface Brightness) : Show and control the light surface brightness.

  • Vis(Camera Visibility) : Show and control the light camera visibility and opacity.

  • Dif(Visible of Diffuse) : Show and control the light visible of diffuse.

  • Ref(Visible of Specular) : Show and control the light visible of specular.

  • Prim(Light Type) : Show and control the light type of the tag.

  • B.body(Type) : Show and control the light type(Blackbody/Texture).

Context Menu( Group )

  • Lookup InExclude Objects : Show objects that include or exclude by this light id.

  • You can drag objects here, it will automatic add or change object tag mask to the objects.

  • You can also drag the objects between the include and exclude.

this only depends on the octane object tags light pass mask.

Drag functions ( Inside Manager Dialog )

  • You can drag the light object onto the group object, this will change the light id to the group.

  • You can drag a image file form your disk, or from Asset Browser onto the light, this will change the texture lot.

Click functions

  • Click : Select the Octane item.

  • Double click : Rename the item ( you can rename Group now ).

  • Alt + Double click : Only effect on group, select all the items under the group.

Camera Parameter

  • Name : Camera object name, you can double click to change the name.

  • CAM(Camera) : Check to set your light to scene camera.

  • Check boxes : Check if the parameters is enable on the camera tag.

  • Sliders : Change parameters and right click to input value.

Asset Parameter

  • Name : Double click to change the name.

  • E(Enable) : Show and control enable state.

  • Path: The path of your reference asset, for Scatter, the path is the source geometry.

    • You can double click on path to set select the asset path ( ORBX and VDB )

  • Count : The scatter count.

  • Drag :

    • On the scatter : Set the source object.

    • Under the scatter : Set the scatter objects.

Video tutorial

  • None

Future plan
