GoDoClock Documentation


An opensource software with hierarchical Todolist and Pomodoro countdown made with Godot(v4.3) MVC architecture is used, which has good scalability and stability and supports undo/redo.

Main features

  • Todo List

  • Pomodoro countdown

  • support undo/redo

Change Log

# 0.5.0

· save fold state

· save pin

· arrow key to select, enter to rename

· Now a new to-do item will be created next to the selected item.

· bug fix: pin item not show sub items when it's closed

# 0.4.0

· Now a new to-do item will be created on top of the selected item.

· Undo/Redo on Add and Delete will keep hierarchical relationships.

· Now Tooltip display title information.

· open default project folder

# 0.3.0

· window size/position saved as setting when quit

· new project now all saved in default path.

· support double click pinbar for project title editing

· recent project show project title instead of path

· multi-selections support

· adapt all actions for multi-selections

· add new ProjectItem as the root of the project

· add shortcut:

· Move to First : ctrl~[

· Move Up : [

· Move Down : ]

· Move to Last : ctrl~]

· auto check parent todo when child all checked

# 0.2.0

· user interface optimized

· hide prograss bar when countdown stopped

· hide project extension in pinbar

· add shortcut:

· Delete : delete

· Move Up : ctrl~-

· Move Down : ctrl~+

· New Todo : T

· Pin/Unpin : P

· Check/Uncheck : C

· Font Size Scale Down: Shift~- (min 16)

· Font Size Scale Up: Shift~+ (max 36)

· countdown saved as setting when start button pressed

· window size saved as setting when resize window

· font size saved as setting when change size

# 0.1.0

· todo item

· pin/unpin

· check/uncheck

· change hierarchy

· change title

· undoredo

· clock component
